The image is a promotional graphic for a resource titled "Classroom Community Building & SEL Toolkit," which is described as having "10 Protocols to use all year!" The graphic has a black background with a collage of various elements related to the toolkit. At the top, the title is displayed in large white and yellow text, emphasizing its focus on SEL (Social Emotional Learning) and community building within the classroom. Below the title, a list of included protocols is provided, such as "Community Circle," "Cross the Line," "Empathy Interviews," and others, indicating the comprehensive nature of the toolkit.

10 Essential SEL and Community Building Protocols to Use All Year Long!

In the heart of every thriving school lies a culture that champions emotional intelligence as much as academic achievement. This truth became even more evident at my school when we embraced community circles during advisory periods—a practice that unlocked relationship-building and mutual understanding. It’s this spirit of connection that the “Ultimate SEL and Community Building Toolkit” aims to encapsulate and bring to every middle school classroom.

The Heart of the Matter: Community Circles

Community circles are not just about coming together; they’re about growing together. With 20 themed community circles, each bolstered by questions designed to foster empathy, leadership, and awareness, these circles go beyond the surface. They offer a safe space for students to express themselves and listen—truly listen—to their peers. This practice is about honing the skills of attentive listening and thoughtful response, which are crucial in today’s world.

Technology Meets Empathy: “Picture This” Activity

In a world where screens often divide, the “Picture This” activity uses them to unite. By sharing photos that resonate with them, students let their guard down and welcome their peers into their lives. It’s a digital bridge to personal connections, leveraging the power of visuals to tell stories that words alone might not capture.

Stepping Into Each Other’s Shoes: “Cross the Line” Interactive Slides

The “Cross the Line” activity is a bold stride into the world of empathy. Each slide prompts students to consider scenarios that might be outside their experience, offering a glimpse into diverse perspectives on family, identity, and school life. It’s in these moments of shared vulnerability that true understanding is born.

The Joy of Discovery: “Who Am I?” Game

The “Who Am I?” game turns the classroom into a playground of curiosity. As students share intriguing facts about themselves, the room buzzes with the excitement of discovery. It’s a reminder that every student is a mosaic of stories waiting to be shared.

The Peacemakers: Peer Mediation Worksheet

Conflict is an inevitable part of any community, but it’s how we handle it that defines us. The peer mediation worksheet is a testament to the power of student leadership in resolving conflicts. It equips young mediators with the structure and guidance to turn discord into dialogue.

Breaking the Ice: “Find Someone Who” Icebreakers

Icebreakers like “Find Someone Who” are the spark that ignites the flame of community. With themes that tap into the zeitgeist of youth culture, these icebreakers make room for laughter, conversation, and an organic growth of connections.

A Glimpse Into Time: Classroom Time Capsule

The classroom time capsule is a journey through time and memory. It’s a collective promise to the future, a snapshot of hopes and dreams that fosters a sense of unity and shared aspirations.

The Attitude of Gratitude: 20 Gratitude Journal Prompts

Gratitude journal prompts are silent yet powerful. They encourage students to find joy in the everyday, recognize the good in their lives, and share that positivity with others.

In the Spotlight: Student Spotlight Worksheet

Recognition can transform the way a student sees themselves and their place in the classroom. The student spotlight worksheet is an ode to individuality, a celebration of each student’s unique contributions.

Walk a Mile in Their Shoes: Empathy Interviews

Empathy interviews are the heart-to-heart conversations that deepen bonds. These sets of questions are not just about answering; they’re about connecting on a human level, fostering an environment where every student feels seen and heard.

SEL as the Classroom Compass

Each protocol within the “Ultimate SEL and Community Building Toolkit” is a compass point leading to the same destination—a compassionate, empathetic classroom community. From the thought-provoking community circles to the reflective writing prompts, these activities are conduits to a classroom environment where SEL is not just a subject, but a way of being.

Incorporate this toolkit into your classroom and watch as it transforms not just the social fabric of your space but also the hearts and minds of your students. After all, when we teach children the language of the heart, we give them the vocabulary to build a world of understanding.

Click here to purchase your toolkit: Ultimate SEL and Community Building Toolkit for Middle School 10 protocols! (

Other resources you may enjoy: Build Classroom Community with Speed Friending Protocol (

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