Classroom Synergy: Resetting Expectations in the New Year with Four Engaging Activities

Are you thinking about how to reset expectations this January? Some of the most prevalent questions I see teachers asking in shared community spaces are around managing behavior ranging from interpersonal skills, motivation and quality of work, and respecting classroom boundaries and space.

In the wake of a pandemic that has shifted the educational landscape, teachers worldwide have observed a notable rise in challenging student behaviors. As we navigate the post-COVID era, it’s increasingly clear that a reset is not just beneficial but necessary—particularly after the winter break when students return, often with a need to reestablish routines and expectations. The new year presents an ideal opportunity to reinforce classroom community and expectations, setting the tone for the months ahead.

Understanding the Need to Reset Classroom Expectations

The disruptions caused by the pandemic have impacted students’ social skills and behavior management, leading to a heightened need for explicit teaching of expectations and norms. It’s crucial to address these challenges proactively by creating a structured environment where students feel safe, respected, and ready to learn.

Building Classroom Community Through SEL

Social-emotional learning (SEL) has never been more critical. As we gear up for the new year, integrating SEL into our classroom management strategies can play a pivotal role in addressing students’ holistic needs. “Classroom Synergy: Building Expectations and SEL Skills” is a toolkit designed to meet these needs, providing resources that blend SEL with practical classroom management.

Laying the Groundwork with Classroom Expectations

Begin by revisiting classroom expectations with your students. The provided PDF handout and Google Slides presentation in “Classroom Synergy” offer a visual and interactive way to discuss what behaviors are expected and why they matter. For each routine students will record what the classroom should look like and sound like. Encourage students to contribute to this conversation, which fosters ownership and understanding. There are 16 routines embedded in this resource from entering the room, to starting the warm up, and completing exit tickets.

Role Play: Seeing Expectations in Action

Role play is an excellent way for students to understand and internalize expectations. It enables them to practice scenarios they will encounter daily, from working in groups to managing transitions between activities. This hands-on approach not only solidifies understanding but also serves as a public speaking exercise, boosting confidence and communication skills.

Creative Collaboration: Expectations Posters

Creating posters for classroom expectations is a creative and collaborative process that not only reinforces rules but also allows for artistic expression. This activity can be cross-curricular, incorporating art standards and fostering a sense of collective ownership over the classroom environment.

Reflective Writing: Connecting SEL to Expectations

Writing prompts focused on SEL can deepen students’ understanding of how their behaviors impact both their own learning and the classroom community. This reflective practice helps students make connections between their actions and their emotional well-being, promoting a more mindful and empathetic classroom culture.

Cross-Curricular Benefits of SEL and Classroom Management

SEL is not confined to the ELA classroom; it’s a vital part of every subject. Whether you’re teaching math, science, history, or the arts, incorporating SEL and clear expectations can enhance student engagement and learning outcomes. “Classroom Synergy” offers strategies and activities that can be integrated into any subject, reinforcing the idea that learning is interconnected and multifaceted.

Sustaining Positive Behaviors All Year Round

As you move past the initial reset, maintaining and reinforcing positive behaviors is key. Regular check-ins, positive reinforcement, and reflective discussions should be ongoing. Celebrate successes and address challenges promptly and constructively, ensuring that every student feels supported in their journey.

Extending the Learning Beyond Behavior Management

Once you’ve established a robust framework for behavior and expectations, consider branching out into other activities that build community and reinforce learning. Engage students in service projects, collaborative research tasks, or peer mentoring programs. Each of these activities can tie back to the core expectations and SEL skills you’ve established, creating a coherent and connected learning experience.

A New Chapter in Learning

The rise in challenging student behaviors post-COVID has underscored the need for a comprehensive approach to classroom management and SEL. “Classroom Synergy” is more than a set of resources; it’s a blueprint for building a resilient, empathetic, and engaged classroom community. As we embrace the new year, let’s commit to fostering an environment where every student can thrive, bolstered by clear expectations, strong SEL skills, and a sense of belonging. Here’s to a year of growth, learning, and positive synergy in our classrooms.

Click here to purchase: Classroom Synergy: Resetting Expectations in the New Year 4 Engaging Activities! (

Other New Year’s activities you may be interested in: New Year Text Structure text set Middle School ELA (

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