The image is a vibrant advertisement for an educational project titled "IDENTITY: WHO AM I? PROJECT BASED LEARNING GOOGLE SLIDES". It features a background that fades from red to a darker shade with decorative white dots and shapes. In the center, a person is holding up a white card with a large black question mark, covering their face, which symbolizes the exploration of identity. Below this are bullet points listing the components of the project: "NAME RESEARCH AND INTERVIEW", "DIGITAL SCRAPBOOK", "FAMILY SHOWCASE", and "WRITING PROMPTS". The text emphasizes the interactive and introspective nature of the project, inviting students to engage in activities that explore and express their personal and social identities. The design is eye-catching and suggests an engaging, introspective educational experience.

5 Key Activities to Explore Identity in the Middle School Classroom through Project Based Learning!

Middle school is a critical time for identity development. As students navigate these formative years, they grapple with questions of self: “Who am I?” “Where do I fit in?” It’s a period marked by searching for personal and social identity, making it the perfect stage for “Discovering Me,” a personal identity project designed to guide students through this journey of self-awareness and community connection.

The Importance of Identity in Middle School

During adolescence, the quest for identity takes center stage. It is a time when individuals begin to separate from childhood identifications and explore who they are as independent beings. This exploration is crucial for their emotional development, self-esteem, and future interpersonal relationships. In the classroom, acknowledging and nurturing this quest can lead to more engaged and self-assured learners.

Community Building Through Identity Exploration

“Discovering Me” is a project that not only supports individual growth but also serves as a cornerstone for community building. By sharing their discoveries about their names, families, interests, character traits, and values, students create a tapestry of stories and experiences that celebrate diversity and promote inclusivity. This exchange fosters empathy, as students recognize that while their journeys are unique, they also share common ground with their peers.

The Role of SEL in Identity Projects

Social-Emotional Learning (SEL) is integral to identity projects. SEL helps students manage emotions, set goals, show empathy, maintain positive relationships, and make responsible decisions. “Discovering Me” intertwines these competencies with the identity exploration process, encouraging students to reflect on their feelings, practice articulation of thoughts, and respect the diverse perspectives of classmates.

Implementing “Discovering Me” in a Thematic Unit on Identity

This project fits seamlessly into a broader thematic unit on identity, which can include literature that reflects on personal growth, history lessons on cultural heritage, and art projects that express individuality. By anchoring the unit in the exploration of identity, teachers can create a rich, interdisciplinary experience that resonates deeply with middle schoolers.

These activities are included in this project:

  • Family name interview and research name for students who may not have access to family members
  • Interests photo essay in which they respond to prompts about their hobbies, interests, and experiences through photos
  • Family showcase to highlight either their immediate or chosen families
  • Personality Traits activity Agree/Disagree/Modify
  • Personal Values writing prompts 
  • Song lyrics and poetry analysis

Maximizing Engagement: Assign and Go!

With its ‘assign and go’ design, “Discovering Me” is crafted to be teacher-friendly and student-engaging. The project comes equipped with guidelines, rubrics, and a comprehensive set of interview questions, ensuring that educators have everything they need to facilitate this deep dive into identity.

Further Activities for Deeper Learning

Once students complete “Discovering Me,” consider these additional activities to extend learning:

  • Identity Time Capsules: Have students create a time capsule of their current interests and values, to be opened at their middle school graduation.
  • Cultural Heritage Fair: Organize a day where students can share aspects of their cultural heritage, strengthening community bonds and cultural appreciation.
  • Future Selves Letters: Encourage students to write a letter to their future self, outlining their hopes and dreams, which they can revisit upon transitioning to high school.

The Lifelong Impact of Self-Discovery

The “Discovering Me” project serves as a powerful launchpad for middle school students’ lifelong journey of self-discovery and personal growth. By providing a structured yet flexible framework for students to explore and share their identities, educators can cultivate a classroom environment where every student feels seen, heard, and valued. As we embrace a new year, let’s commit to fostering an educational space that celebrates individuality while building a supportive and empathetic community.

Click here to purchase: Discovering Me: A Personal Identity Project for Middle Schoolers SEL (

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