The image is an advertisement for an educational resource titled "GLOBAL BITES NEW YEAR'S FOOD PROJECT." It features a black background with a vibrant collage of various cultural foods, including black-eyed peas, tamales, a round cake with a coin baked inside, and grapes, which are traditionally associated with New Year's celebrations around the world. The title "GLOBAL BITES" is displayed prominently at the top in bold orange letters, followed by "NEW YEAR'S FOOD PROJECT" in white. Below the food images, there's an orange circle with the text "9 Cultural Foods," indicating the number of different cultural dishes covered in the project. In the bottom right corner, the text "GOOGLESLIDES" in an orange box suggests that this project is available as a Google Slides presentation. The overall design is modern and eye-catching, aimed at engaging students in exploring international New Year's traditions through food.

Global Bites: New Year’s Celebrations and Food Traditions Inquiry Based Learning

Are you a foodie like me? I try to find any and all reasons to bring food into the classroom because it’s one of the best ways to bring cultural awareness to my middle schoolers.

As the New Year unfolds, use it as an opportunity to combine diverse culinary customs that define our New Year’s festivities and research based learning. “Global Bites: New Year’s Celebrations and Food Traditions Inquiry Based Learning” offers a rich journey into these yummy traditions, making it an engaging and important tool for middle school classrooms, and an easy way to ease back into learning after winter break.

Cultural Relevance of New Year’s Food Traditions

Food is the language of culture, a delicious narrative of people’s history, geography, and values. New Year’s food traditions offer a window into cultural beliefs and practices, each dish steeped in symbolism. For instance, in Spain, the twelve grapes at midnight promise prosperity, while in Japan, toshikoshi soba represents the crossing from one year to the next. By studying these traditions, students learn that food is more than sustenance—it’s a story, a prayer, a hope for the future.

The Imperative of Research Across Subjects

Research is a fundamental skill, that transcends beyond the walls of any single subject. In “Global Bites,” students embark on an inquiry-based learning project, delving into the New Year’s food traditions of nine different cultures. This exploration sharpens research skills as students learn to navigate digital landscapes, critically evaluate sources, and synthesize information. It’s a practice that fosters curiosity and lays the groundwork for academic inquiry across all disciplines. Their GoogleSlides template requires each dish to include a photograph, ingredients and preparation, and cultural significance.

Citing Sources: The Backbone of Academic Integrity

Learning to cite sources is a crucial academic skill, one that prepares students for the rigors of middle school and beyond. “Global Bites” emphasizes this practice, encouraging students to acknowledge the authors and cultures behind the information they gather. On the first set of slides there is a step by step guide as well as example of how to cite information so students can easily reference this tool. This not only teaches respect for intellectual property but also builds a foundation for responsible research that will serve them throughout their educational journey.

Conclusion: A Feast for the Mind

“Global Bites” is not just about creating a Google Slides presentation. It’s an immersive experience that nurtures respect for cultural diversity, fosters essential academic skills, and ignites a passion for lifelong learning. As we usher in the New Year, let’s toast to the knowledge and understanding we’ll gain from the rich tapestry of global traditions and the delicious lessons they serve up.

Global Bites: New Year’s Celebrations and Food Traditions Inquiry Based Learning (

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